This group of cryptocurrency trash who have no skills, who are always playing the game of big shots in the cryptocurrency circle to deceive retail investors, and who are recruiting people to increase their fans for rebates should be blocked‼ ️

They use all means to get a little rebate. Remember, everyone, it is a violation to cancel your account to get rebates. In the end, it is easy for you to not receive rebates and be suspended from all rebate qualifications. When you see these people who are recruiting people for rebates who package themselves as very technical but dare not give you specific guidance points and dare not bear the profit and loss responsibility for your orders, you should directly report to Binance that they are cheating you. If you cancel your Binance account and re-register for rebates, Binance will automatically identify them and suspend all rebate qualifications for life. Moreover, these people generally have no skills and no ability to earn your handling fees. If they have the ability, they can directly open a real account to share profits or sell orders every day, which is not more comfortable than rebates⁉️

In order to earn a few dozen U rebates, they pretend to be very technical and lead people to carry orders and blow up their positions. They don’t even care about their face. If you see them, report directly to Binance and cancel their rebate qualifications‼ ️

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