#区块链快讯# According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, there was a small incident in a huge ezETH transfer operation. User 2024.qklpj.eth seems to have mistakenly transferred 7,912 ezETH (about 27.96 million US dollars) to a contract address, and the funds were locked and could not be withdrawn. F2Pool & Cobo co-founder @bitfish1 confirmed that this address is CoboSafeAccount, a logical contract that stores risk control logic. It is not responsible for storing assets, nor can it be upgraded or transferred. Assets can only be retrieved through recasting by the Renzo project party. Is this a reminder for us to be extra careful when operating blockchain transactions, otherwise we may "throw away the money" if we are not careful? What do you think? Welcome to discuss in the comment area. 👇