#Dogecoincommunity remains enthusiastic about Elon Musk potentially integrating DOGE payments on X platform

DOGE community still believes in "XD" (DOGE on X)

Elon Musk hearts Dogecoin

In a recent tweet, the account of the popular MyDoge cryptocurrency wallet issued something close to a poll of the #doge⚡ community regarding their optimism about seeing DOGE payments on the X platform in the future.

DOGE community still believes in "XD" (DOGE on X)

“Do you think 𝕏 should support Dogecoin payments one day?” the question read. Judging by the wave of positive and enthusiastic responses, the DOGE army still believes that their favorite meme cryptocurrency is going to end up powering tipping and micropayments on X social media giant.

This year, Elon Musk has been securing licenses in new U.S. states so he can roll out the X Payments feature. X insider “DogeDesigner” has posted several times that payments are to be launched on the platform by the end of the year.

In March, licenses for payment processing were obtained for the following states: Illinois, Oregon and New Mexico. This is the likely reason why the DOGE army remains optimistic about potential $DOGE integration on X in the near future. Many experts also shared that crypto can be, if not the only payment option on X, then one of them.

Elon Musk hearts Dogecoin

#ElonMusk. is a big Dogecoin fan, often shilling it in his tweets over the past seven years. In 2021, Musk’s tweet about being “The DogeFather” and his endorsement of DOGE later on Saturday Night Live pushed the meme cryptocurrency to an all-time high of $0.7376 on May 8, 2021.

Even though DOGE is now trading 83.15% below that historic peak at $0.1243, it still remains part of the top 10 list, according to #CoinMarketCap . Recently, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson, while pondering publicly the roots of Musk’s love for DOGE, suggested that perhaps the tech billionaire may hold around 20% of the meme coin’s supply, or maybe Musk just has a thing for it.
