@DAO Labs ' best social miners face off in a #SmashMiner showdown. In this challenge, we showcase all the skills we've acquired on our journey through #TheDAOLabs ' #SocialMining galaxy.

In my first article, I mentioned that I have been social mining for many years and that it has given me a lot in every sense. Today, I will try to show you how I have had the opportunity to improve my skills by giving examples from Smash Miner tasks.

Super Smash Miner Melee is a challenge event consisting of 5 stages where the top 32 social miners compete in an elimination format until the finale.

I- Our first task was to create a Telegram Sticker set... (https://x.com/MetaverseJR/status/1793363202623119488)

If you are part of any project's telegram chat group, you have seen that besides emojis, they also share important features of that project or the most used words of the communities in the form of stickers. Sometimes these stickers say much more than words.

With this in mind, I created 5 animated and 8 static stickers. For the static stickers, I chose a mix of DAO Labs' brand colors and used the most used sayings, especially in the social mining community. For the animated stickers;

  • DAO Labs Social Mining Galaxy,

  • New task announcement,

  • Engagement (Support),

  • SMotH.

I focused topics. I think that these 4 topics, especially for animated emojis, reflect the social mining community as a whole. Because we at DAO Labs make significant contributions to blockchain projects in the social mining galaxy, helping them grow their communities and reach more blockchain enthusiasts. We complete carefully crafted tasks for each project and share them on social media. We always support each other and encourage new social miners, and every Friday at SMotH we introduce our rising stars to our social mining community and let them share their achievements and experiences with us.

Also, although it may look like a simple sticker task from the outside, we need to get to know the community first, and of course to be able to use the appropriate program to create these stickers. I made a very difficult choice and tried to make these animated stickers with After Effect. I think I reflected what I wanted to say, I just couldn't make the backgrounds transparent due to my hardware deficiencies. That was my evil eye. But now I know how to make video, gif or intro style works with After Effect, or rather how to make moving videos more remarkable. As you can see, thanks to this task, I used a new program and improved myself. You will see more clearly how I improved in the next task.

II- My second task was to write an article on Binance Square, CMC Community, Medium, Quora or Reddit based on the quote "Social Mining can make a difference!" and support this article with the visuals we prepared. (https://x.com/MetaverseJR/status/1795567108710952984)

Until now, I've been publishing all my articles on Medium, but this time I wanted to do something difficult and published it on Binance Square. This was my first article.

While getting to know the platform, I tried to understand what kind of content other content creators were sharing and what they were paying attention to. I got lost in an incredible sea of content on Binance Square. From influencers to news sites, many publishers shared their views on the latest crypto news and trends. As a blockchain enthusiast myself, I thought that if I'm going to continue to share my future articles and views on trends here, I should first talk about myself and what I do.

When I said "I am a social miner", people had different definitions in their minds. Therefore, starting from the definition of Social Mining, I explained which are the active Social Mining Hubs, the importance of our roles we determine during the registration phase and how our roles change in the following periods, that is, how we develop personally and what kind of content we produce while experiencing this development. I also talked about how we earn points depending on the quality of our content while supporting projects, which modules we use to increase these points and how we act during the payment request phase.

If you carefully examine the X (Twitter) links I've included in this article, you'll notice they form a complementary chain. You'll see how I learned new things while creating each task's content, then built upon that knowledge in subsequent tasks, and how I connected the topics. This is the skill that DAO Labs social mining has instilled in me...

So, I took the opportunity to show these achievements on Binance Squared and introduced myself and my business to you. My goal here is to get the verified influencer label and reach more blockchain enthusiasts. I will continue to move forward carefully and confidently.

III- The third task was to choose one of the Polygon, Kava or WAX projects and prepare an infographic about an important news or update about the project. (https://x.com/MetaverseJR/status/1800059679390711873)

For this task, I decided to create an infographic about " #Polygon | $MATIC Aggregated Blockchains". I think I was luckier than my other friends in this regard, because a few days before this task was published, I tried to explain the relationship between #AggLayer, #PessimisticProof and #ZKProof in a 3sec video meme in its simplest form. This infography task was an opportunity to further elaborate on what I tried to explain in the video meme and to provide a better understanding of the subject.

Infographics is one of my favorite design tasks. That's why I spend more time on it. I deepened my research on the topic and determined the content of the infographic. Then I started to plan the brand color, background and layout that I would use in the design. After completing all these steps, I published my content.

I shared the infographic I prepared with X maxipost. In this work, I tried to draw attention to the scalability problem of Web3 and emphasize the importance of Aggregated Blockchains, AggLayer, Smart Contracts and ZK Technology for the future of Web3.

I must have done this last task well, because I made it to the semi-finals. But my goal is always to provide you with quality and understandable content. I hope that in this article I was able to show you that social mining is not only a side business model, but also an opportunity for self-development.

If you are looking for a place to advance your goals and add value in every sense, we welcome you to explore the social mining galaxy.