OTC Blast price divided 100 times after the project announced Tokenomic

With a total supply of 100 billion Tokens, the price of OTC Blast immediately decreased from 4.5 $ to 0.025 $. Anyone who buys 4.5$ will definitely not return.

The Layer2 guys on ETH keep looking at raisefund + big TVL and you jump into retroactive farming and cast them all, from STRK, zkSync, Blast and possibly even Linea.

The TVL in lending will operate according to the following mechanism:

- stake 1 dapp A to get 1 token x

- Take token x and stake it on dapp B to get token y

- take y stake Dapp C to token z ....

So TVL keeps increasing, not to mention this is being pushed in many ways according to their tricks, the TVL looks fake, there is no liquidity, boring.