Regardless of whether we have made profits or losses in the past, we will face an unpredictable future. The results of each new investment will not be affected by past achievements. If you want to be active in the spot contract digital trading market and show your heroic spirit, in addition to fully improving your trading skills, we also need to cultivate a strong heart that is not startled by things and maintain a calm and focused state of mind. In any case, I hope that investors will invest happily.

1. Whether you make money or not is not judged by one transaction.

As long as you can learn to keep your capital, you will naturally have the opportunity to make money. As the saying goes, if you keep the green mountains, you will never worry about firewood. In investment, as long as you keep your capital, maintain reasonable confidence, maintain a good attitude, and insist on making steady and reasonable orders, then investment success is just a matter of time. In the contract market, you must remember three firsts: safety first, capital preservation first, and survival first.

2. Get rid of greed, abandon speculation, put aside fantasy, and always keep a normal mind.

Greed, pushing for more without regard for rules are big taboos in investment. Market trends should be based on logical analysis, regular analysis, and market psychology analysis, rather than gambling or guessing. Don't have too many fantasies about market conditions, trading, and making money, because the market is very realistic and wild ideas can easily be slapped in the face. Keep a normal attitude no matter how much you earn, especially during the learning stage.

3. Don’t be too eager for quick success and instant benefits, but be far-sighted and determined to succeed.

It is well known that haste makes waste. If you want to get rich overnight and make quick money, or if you are obsessed with taking small risks and constantly increasing leverage, this investment concept is wrong at the beginning. The market is a mature international market, and the price trend of the contract has its own common sense rules to follow, which is very different from the "betting on size" in gambling that relies on luck. Therefore, the investment vision should be longer-term, the goal should be clearer, the foundation should be more solid, and the experience in learning should be accumulated step by step. Once enough accumulation is achieved, success will naturally come naturally.

4. If you are in a bad mood or not in good condition, don’t look at the market. Return to your daily life and adjust yourself.

Everyone has joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness. People's emotions will affect their state and behavior. So when you are in a bad mood, you need to adjust yourself immediately, or simply take a break and stop trading, so as not to increase mistakes and lead to a vicious cycle. Close all positions, completely ignore the market, return to real life, do something you like, such as listening to music, reading a book, or basking in the sun, taking a walk in nature, are all good options. There is no need to dwell on past mistakes, or constantly blame yourself, and always be depressed.

5. When your mind is as calm as water, it will naturally be clear. Focus your attention and don’t be distracted.

High leverage trading in the spot contract market is to magnify both risks and opportunities. Therefore, you must be 200% mentally prepared when trading. If you want to effectively concentrate, you need a quiet environment and healthy body maintenance. It is better to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Bad habits that harm the body, such as alcoholism and excessive smoking, should also be given up as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if you earn a lot of money, you will have to pay the price of a broken body, which is not worth the loss. #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC