A white BMW sedan packed with people was stopped by police from Yuanchong Police Station. There were six young people crammed inside the car.

After checking the vehicle registration, driver's license and trunk, and conducting an alcohol test on the driver, no abnormalities were found.

At this moment, a bulging black shoulder bag in the back seat of the car caught the attention of the police. "Whose bag is this? Open it and take a look." Faced with the police's request, the man in the back seat, Luo, reluctantly unzipped the bag.

"How much in cash?" "More than 30,000," the police asked and answered Luo.

"Get off the car first. Whose money is this? Where did it come from? Tell me," the police asked while observing the six people's reactions. Faced with the question, the others remained silent. Luo was obviously nervous and talked about other things. At first, he said that the money was given to his friend's father by his boss who sold goods on the platform. He immediately changed his words and said that it was his salary. The police then took the six people back to the police station for further investigation.

After arriving at the police station, the police interviewed 6 people separately. In the end, Luo (male, 19 years old) and Shen (male, 19 years old) truthfully confessed that they were engaged in "foreign-discount killing" fraud and criminal activities in a community in Xiangyang, and claimed that the more than 30,000 yuan was Luo's " wages".

Yuanchong Police Station immediately reported the situation. The Party Committee of the Bureau attached great importance to this clue and arranged for the backbone members of the Bureau's Anti-Fraud Center to rush to Yuanchong Police Station overnight to participate in the interrogation, consolidate first-hand evidence, and strive to dig deeper and expand the lines and advance the case.

According to the confessions of Luo and Shen, the Laohekou police at this time had initially grasped the specific locations, member composition and activity patterns of the fraud gang's dens.

The Laohekou City Public Security Bureau dispatched a capture team to a certain residential area in Xiangyang City, where the fraud den was located. At 3 pm, seeing that the time was right, the capture team entered a residential area in the residential area and arrested three suspects of the fraud gang who were operating the platform, and seized 15 mobile phones and eight computers used to commit crimes.

According to evidence collected on the scene, members of the gang used a foreign chat software and Google online translation to lure foreigners to a fake trading platform set up by the gang themselves, using USDT cryptocurrency to buy Bitcoin's rise and fall, and then manipulated the background to make foreign buyers lose all their money.

"Upon investigation, it was found that the gang had made a total of more than 1.7 million yuan in criminal profits in the past three months," said the police officer who was collecting evidence at the scene.

At present, the case is still under further investigation. The illegal behavior of the vehicle overloading has also been handed over to the traffic management department for separate punishment. #内容挖矿 Follow me! Get more information about the cryptocurrency circle, and there are more exciting content indirectly~