LISTA leads the crypto market, followed by ZRO. When will it bottom out?

LISTA suffered a setback, but the light of hope is still not extinguished! Holders, take note.

Today, LISTA seems to be in trouble. In the past 24 hours, its price has experienced a shocking plunge of more than 25%. Currently, the trading price of each token has fallen to about $0.57. At the same time, the trading volume has also dropped sharply by 35.7%, indicating that the market's buying and selling enthusiasm has cooled.

Let's take a closer look at the current situation:

In today's cryptocurrency market, LISTA has undoubtedly become the biggest loser, followed by ZRO.

LISTA has a serious outflow of funds, and large orders have dominated the outflow. A total of 22.63 million LISTA tokens (equivalent to more than $12 million) have been sold.

The price plunge occurred after LISTA hit a record high yesterday, so the current trading price has fallen by 32% compared to the historical high.

However, amidst this gloom, we can still see a glimmer of hope! According to SpotOnChain data, a large investor recently withdrew 4.31 million LISTA tokens from Binance. This move may have a positive impact on the price stability of LISTA, but the specific effect still needs time to observe.

The cryptocurrency market is always full of volatility and uncertainty. Therefore, before making any investment decisions, please be sure to do your own research. I sincerely hope that LISTA can regain its momentum and rise again!

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