As the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance's spokesperson's remarks have far-reaching influence. One of the core ideas is that even if Binance does not list certain projects, these projects will still exist. It is obvious who has gained most of the benefits in this round of altcoin craze. Binance's choice of listing projects is closely related to its profitability.

Why do so many people express strong opposition to this? Don't they know it themselves? Some projects may harm the interests of the community or cause controversy in the process of trying to list on Binance, and these opinions are often ignored or turned a blind eye.

From an investor's perspective, if the practices of centralized exchanges are unpopular, why must you choose Binance? Water can carry a boat or overturn it. In the future, DEX (decentralized exchanges) may gradually replace the status of centralized exchanges, especially when the US government begins to support local exchanges.

As a benchmark in the industry, everyone has high hopes for Binance, hoping that it will not only be a cold profit machine, but also make positive contributions to the development of the industry. However, some projects may be listed only for the liquidity and attractiveness of Binance. Whether this will be of substantial help to the development of the industry is worth pondering.

Binance was once the industry leader, but now the market is changing. Who can guarantee that Binance will still be in the leading position in the next bull market? All this is a cycle of change. While pursuing profits, I hope Binance can keep its original intention. Following the bottom line of the industry is crucial for any exchange.

For everyone, we may not be able to stop new coins from being listed. But we can choose not to buy those junk coins!

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