The market is sluggish recently, so avoid frequent operations! If you have nothing to do, come and join the #BinanceWeb3 airdrop mission!

The binanceweb3 wallet recently launched a new sign-in airdrop task #revox You can receive airdrop points by signing in every day!

Next, I will update the airdrop points claiming tutorial for you!

Preparation: Binance web3 wallet Twitter X account

The specific tutorial has begun, click to follow @Crypto刘 to continue updating more tutorials!


This task supports opBNB chain and LINEA chain. The tutorial takes OPBNB as an example!

  • Withdraw BNB from OPBNB chain to web3 wallet as check-in fee

  • The withdrawal amount is 1-5USDT, as long as it is enough to cover the check-in fee

Start REVOX Mission

  • Enter the task interface

  • Link Wallet

  • Enter invitation code: GPW7EP

  • Follow REVOX on Twitter: @ReadOnMe3

  • Follow binanceweb3 wallet official Twitter: @Web3WithBinance

  • Notes (You can log in and follow in the task interface, or you can follow directly on Twitter on your phone or computer)

  • After following, fill in and submit your Twitter username, for example: @johnbuvy

  • Sign in and pay the fee

Sign in and complete the airdrop points immediately. 1-2 days: 10 points 3-6 days: 20 points 7th day: 60 points

There is a delay in the points you get by following Twitter X, and they will generally arrive within 24 hours!