#SAGA $SAGA SAGA today's market professional interpretation

After a detailed analysis of SAGA today's market, we can clearly see that the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels all show the dominance of the bullish forces. In such a market structure, the 4-hour level of the bull-bear watershed 1.3628 has undoubtedly become the focus of attention today.

For the short-term downward trend, we should first pay attention to the three key prices below: 1.3243, 1.3095 and 1.2516. These prices have shown strong support in past transactions. If the SAGA price can stabilize in this range, it is expected to provide investors with a good opportunity to buy on dips.

However, from the perspective of rebound, the upper target price should not be ignored. We need to pay special attention to the three prices of 1.3896, 1.4104 and 1.4490. These prices have formed a relatively obvious pressure point in the past market. If SAGA can successfully break through these resistance levels, it is expected to further open up the upside space and bring rich returns to investors.

During the transaction process, investors are advised to remain highly vigilant and capture the subtle changes in the long and short forces in real time through short-term operations. Only by accurately grasping the pulse of the market can we make steady profits in complex market conditions and maximize investment returns. Follow me, live broadcast with real orders every day, one-on-one guidance, Xiaobai can also master the wealth code, and need to analyze the search for cottage points (public account: Encrypted Wind) ✌️👗cfst1315#SAGA新币 #saga抄底策略 #SAGAUSDT #SAGA💰智能多空策略