The current market is full of various voices, but the following three views are obviously one-sided:

It is obviously too early to assert that "there is no bull market".

It is even more of a neglect of market diversity to claim that "there is no copycat bull market".

The statement of "de-copycatization" is too absolute and fails to fully consider the diversity and variability of the market.

These views are too one-sided and ignorant. The recent market volatility is indeed fierce, but this is a process of self-adjustment and reshuffle of the market. As I said before, the market will not go bullish directly. It needs to go through a series of adjustments and reshuffles to get rid of those investors who are not determined and blindly follow the trend.

We see that although some copycat coins have seen a large decline, mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin (bread) have not followed the sharp decline, which shows the stability and resilience of the market. The decline of the market is not without reason. It is more of a deep adjustment and cleansing to remove those bubbles and noise.

Therefore, we don't have to panic or be blindly optimistic. We should stay calm, analyze market trends rationally, and correctly evaluate our investment strategies. Don't be swayed by short-term market fluctuations, and don't become a pawn of those "dog dealers" who try to manipulate the market and guide your thinking.

Let's take a deep breath, maintain patience and confidence, and welcome the upcoming and expected super bull market! It will be a market full of opportunities and challenges. Only those investors who are prepared, strategic, and patient can stand out. #币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #CryptoTradingGuide #币安用户数突破2亿 #LayerZero