Odaily Planet Daily News Cul&Art-memes-driven platform project 4Arts Protocol announced the completion of a $1.3 million seed round of financing, led by Crypto Alpha SB Fund, Crypto Store LB Capital, NOBI Capital, Crypto View and CoinDEX CEO Gupta King and other individual investors from the entertainment and crypto industries. 4Arts Protocol provides an IP tokenization platform that uses cryptocurrency to share profits. Participants in RWA memes can share various rights and interests such as RevShares, and the platform currency is used to govern the platform ecology. The platform profit will be used for token repurchase. The deflationary dual-currency governance mechanism ensures the healthy development of spiral parallelism. It is reported that this fund will be used to help them establish the entertainment RWA incubation fund and help multiple entertainment memes be issued on the "RWA memespad "4Arts RWA Launchpad", which allows users to issue memes tokens and trade intellectual property (IP).