#SUI $SUI In-depth analysis of today’s market

Today's SUI trend presents a complex situation on multiple time levels. From the 1-hour level, the market is clearly tilted towards the short side, showing downward pressure in the short term. However, when we broaden our horizons to the 2-hour level, the situation is reversed, and the bulls begin to take over, indicating that the market may be about to rebound.

What is even more striking is that at the 4-hour level, SUI has a significant purple signal, which is usually regarded as a sign that the market is about to undergo an important shift. The key point today is undoubtedly the 4-hour long-short watershed - located near 0.9025. This area will become an important reference for us to judge the future trend of the market.

For the lower target, we need to pay close attention to the support levels below, which are 0.8939, 0.8789 and 0.8641. If these support levels are effectively supported, the market may form a rebound at these levels.

If the market rebounds, we must be highly vigilant about the pressure levels above, which are 0.9066, 0.9193 and 0.9258. These pressure levels may hinder the market rebound, so we need to monitor changes in long and short forces in real time in order to make correct decisions at critical moments.

In short, today's SUI market is full of uncertainties, but it also breeds huge opportunities. We need to remain vigilant, monitor the market in real time, and be ready to respond to market changes at any time. Follow me, live broadcast of real offers and orders every day, one-on-one guidance, novices can also master the password of wealth, ask me for comments as an assistant, and search for copycat points if you need to analyze them (public account: Encryption Chengfeng) ✌👗cfst115

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