🔥Hot News Express! According to Odaily Planet Daily, data released by HODL15Capital on the X platform showed that ARKB had a net outflow of 29 million US dollars yesterday, while BITB had no inflow/outflow of funds. 😮

This is a shocking number, but please don't panic. Although ARKB's funds are flowing out, it does not mean that the entire market is declining. We see that BITB's capital flow has not changed, which is also a positive sign. 👀

We always believe that Bitcoin's prospects are still bright. Although the market is volatile, Bitcoin's value and influence continue to grow. 💪

So, let's stay calm and continue to pay attention to blockchain global regulatory dynamics, industry trends, and cryptocurrency news to better understand market dynamics. 🌐

Remember that investment is risky and choices need to be cautious. We will continue to pay attention to and report the latest market trends, so stay tuned! 🔍📈