When the prices of major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Binance Coin (BNB), and Ethereum (ETH) increase, it often has a positive impact on the broader cryptocurrency market. This phenomenon can be attributed to several factors:

1. Market Confidence: Increases in the prices of major cryptocurrencies can boost overall market confidence. When leading cryptocurrencies perform well, it often signals positive market sentiment, encouraging investors to buy other, smaller cryptocurrencies.

2. Liquidity and Capital Flow: Major cryptocurrencies typically have high liquidity and large market capitalizations. As their prices rise, the profits made by investors in these assets can flow into smaller or lesser-known cryptocurrencies, driving their prices up as well.

3. Market Trends and Speculation: The crypto market is highly interconnected, and trends often affect multiple assets simultaneously. When BTC, BNB, and ETH prices surge, it can create a ripple effect where traders and investors speculate that other cryptocurrencies will follow suit, leading to a broader market rally.

4. Psychological Impact: Psychological factors play a significant role in the cryptocurrency market. The success of major cryptocurrencies can create a FOMO (fear of missing out) effect, leading to increased buying activity across the market.

5. Correlated Movements: Cryptocurrencies often show correlated price movements. This means that when major cryptocurrencies rise, many altcoins (alternative cryptocurrencies) tend to rise as well, partly due to algorithmic trading and market sentiment.

However, it is essential to note that the relationship is not guaranteed and can be influenced by various external factors, such as regulatory news, macroeconomic trends, technological developments, and market-specific events.

In summary, while an increase in the prices of BTC, BNB, and ETH often leads to a positive impact on other cryptocurrencies, the extent and consistency of this effect can vary depending on broader market conditions and specific events affecting individual cryptocurrencies.