1: Torq Network, global adoption and impact (long term), mass adoption, social impact initiatives, global recognition!

2. Mining process

❶: Individual Mining: When mining alone, you will receive a base rate of 16 Torq per hour. It's like having a crypto earning partner that works tirelessly for you, providing a steady stream of tokens.

❷: Team Mining Bonus When you invite a friend to mine together, both of you will receive a 25% bonus on the base mining rate. For example, the base rate is 16 Torq/hour, mining with a friend increases your rate to 20 Torq/hour. Teamwork not only makes the mining experience more enjoyable, but also greatly enhances your earning potential.

❸: Tiered Friend Bonus As your mining community expands, your rewards will also expand. Imagine inviting five friends, who in turn invite their friends. If all 25 friends from your Tier 2 connection go at the same time, you will earn an additional 0.8 Torq for each friend, resulting in a significant bonus. For example, with a base rate of 16 Torq/hour, this could mean an extra 20 Torq/hour in your pocket.

❹: 3. Rest Day and Burn Mechanism You check in for six consecutive days and earn yourself a precious rest day. This rest day can be used when life is busy and you cannot click the check-in button. On the rest day, your account is considered active and you continue to earn Torq, just like regular mining.

❺: Burn If you use up all your rest days and remain inactive, the burn mechanism kicks in. It's like a countdown, and you lose 4% of your balance every day. For example, if you have 1600 coins when you are inactive, you will lose 64 coins on the first day. This process continues until the 25th day, when the total balance you earned is wiped out.

⚠️Initial distribution of Torq coins Community Mining Allocation (37%) Team Allocation (19%) Reserve Fund (12%) Staking Rewards (17%) Innovation and Growth Pool (15%)


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