The trading that I have carried out so far uses 3 methods based on experience, I want to share, hopefully it is useful

1. Day Trading


Potential for quick profits from daily price fluctuations.

Avoid price risks outside trading hours.


Requires time and full attention.

Quick decisions can be emotional and risky.

High transaction costs due to trading frequency.

For example:

In 2021 I bought Bitcoin for $30,000 and sold it a few hours later when the price rose to $31,000, making a profit of $1,000 in one day.


Use technical analysis such as Moving Average and RSI.

And set a stop-loss to manage risk.

2. Swing Trading


No need for constant monitoring.

Potential profits from medium-term trends.


The market can change suddenly.

And requires an understanding of technical analysis.

For example:

I bought Ethereum for $1,500 and sold it a week later when the price hit $1,700, making a profit of $200 isn't bad right.


Trend analysis uses tools such as MACD and Fibonacci retracement.

Set a price target and stop-loss.

3. HODLing


Avoids the stress of short-term price fluctuations.

Potential for huge profits in the long term.


Big risk if the market falls significantly.

It requires faith and patience.

For example:

I bought Bitcoin for $60,000 two months ago and held it until it reached $64,000, and maybe I will hold it until it reaches $100,000 which will result in big profits. DYOR
