PEPE MEME Trader Who Was Almost Profitable Turned Profitable...

In the fast-paced world of crypto and full of surprises, fate can change in an instant. Especially if you have placed money in a crypto market casino, which is none other than meme coins.

Launching from, recently there was a report from Lookonchain which revealed the dramatic story of an anonymous trader. In the story, this trader invested a large amount in a meme coin called Pepecoin (PEPE).

This trader, known only by the wallet address “0xBf,” claims to have tasted the sweet and bitter taste of the digital asset market.

Investment Journey It all started on May 14 and 15, the trader bought 114.7 billion units of PEPE at a price of US$ 0.000011 per unit, with a total reaching US$ 1.27 million. Initially, this decision seemed brilliant as the price of US$ PEPE jumped to US$ 0.000017 on May 27.At its peak, this investment was worth almost US$ 1.94 million, with a potential profit of US$ 670,000. But, instead of selling and enjoying the profits, the trader chooses to hold on in the hope that the price will continue to rise.

Unfortunately, the crypto market turned around. The price of PEPE started to fall and soon fell below the initial purchase price. The opportunity for big profits turned into a potential disaster.

Ultimately, the trader decided to sell all 114.7 billion PEPE for 366.5 Ethereum, which was worth about half a million dollars at the time. However, this did not make him lose money, but returned to breakeven

This story is a true example of the psychological and financial stress of trading a highly volatile asset. This trader's experience highlights a common dilemma in the crypto world, namely when is the right time to sell. Exiting at breakeven does protect initial capital, but often comes at the expense of opportunities for large profits. As is known, meme coins like PEPE are often influenced by community sentiment and social media algorithms, not intrinsic value.