Web3 data infrastructure @Covalent_HQ announced a new ecosystem airdrop plan, cooperating with @taikoxyz and @zksync

This airdrop is also very simple. As long as you stake $CQT, you can get rewards according to your staked contribution. Looking at their airdrop page, they have also cooperated with @wormhole before, and the activity is still ongoing.

@Covalent_HQ has cooperated with 225+ ecosystems, all of which are reliable and good projects. And this is only part of the airdrop activity, and there are probably more to come. In this way, the gold shovel attribute value of $CQT is really full.

In addition to the previous invitation of Arthur Hayes as a strategic consultant and the announcement of entering the AI ​​data layer, it seems that @Covalent_HQ is definitely going to do something in this bull market!

You can check the airdrop here: https://www.covalenthq.com/airdrops/

For more details, please join the community: https://bit.ly/Covalent-cngroup