Will Bitcoin continue to fall today? These three behind-the-scenes forces are behind it!

Despite the positive news of the increase in the number of people receiving unemployment benefits last night, BTC still showed a correction trend. There will be another important data tonight.

BTC is still showing a correction trend. After thinking about it, the core reason is that the positive news cannot offset the negative news.

There are currently three major negative factors: Mentougou, international conflicts, and negative comments from Federal Reserve officials.

(1) Mentougou is still unresolved, and big funds are worried about affecting early withdrawal.

October is the final compensation time. Once the compensation is paid, it will bring a huge amount of selling pressure on BTC that has been locked in for more than 10 years.

Early users of Mentougou have made dozens of times more money, so they will definitely run away.

(2) The international situation has changed dramatically.

Yesterday, Russia and North Korea formed a strategic alliance. If one side goes to war, the other side will support it. NATO and Jinq/unjia position: btc0877 The conflict between Russia is gaining momentum, and now it is adding fuel to the fire. The war is negative for risky assets BTC.

(3) Last night, a Fed official made a negative speech.

 Kashkari said that wage growth is too high and inflation may take up to two years to fall to 2%.

ETF funds have been net outflows for seven consecutive days, mainly due to Fidelity and Grayscale.

Pay attention to the PMI data released at 9:45 tonight. If it is lower than expected, it is positive, and if it is higher than expected, it is negative.   

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