1. Daily activity surpasses Ethereum, thanks to TON chain games

The success of Notcoin has set off a trend of Bot and Mini app games on Telegram. These small games on Telegram, led by Notcoin, have one thing in common: they are simple and repetitive enough to keep players with small instant gratifications, and then add the expectation of airdrops to increase user stickiness. In addition, inviting new users can get rewards, so it has spread virally. Click to read

2. Arthur Hayes: Will the Bank of Japan's sale of $63 billion in U.S. Treasuries trigger a violent bull market?

This quote came to mind when I was thinking of a title for this "short article". This short article will focus on the Japanese banks that fell victim to the US monetary policy. What did these banks do? In order to earn a decent yield on yen deposits, they engaged in the dollar-yen carry trade. They borrowed from elderly savers in Japan, looked around Japan and saw that all the "safe" government and corporate bonds were yielding close to zero, and concluded that lending to the US through the US Treasury (UST) market was a better use of capital because the yields on these bonds were many percentage points higher even when fully FX hedged. Click to read

3. Bitcoin Ecosystem Milestone: Zulu Implements ZKP Verification Using Bitcoin Script

An important milestone in the recent Bitcoin ecosystem, Zulu announced the implementation of zk-SNARK verification (ZKP) using Bitcoin scripts. Involving the Groth16/FFlonk mainstream algorithm, and submitting the code to the BitVM repository. Click to read

4. Where are we in the Bitcoin cycle?

Bitcoin is on script in this cycle. Prices bottomed 17 months before the halving and are now up over 300% from that low. BTC is up only slightly since the most recent halving, but that’s nothing to worry about. We are in the window where the biggest price gains typically occur. Analyzing the crypto market through the lens of the Bitcoin halving suggests that we are in the fourth or fifth inning of this bull run. Click to read

5. Is the bull market gone? Don’t panic. These plots in the second half of 2024 are still worth looking forward to.

In the past two months, although there have been a lot of hot events such as memes and Airdrops of top projects, the market has been in a rather strange and depressed atmosphere - the howling of bears seems to be faintly audible, and the footsteps of bulls are not far away. The market collapse and restart seem to be only a moment away. Click to read