#- Optimism (#OP) currently has a market cap of about $2 billion,

- Arbitrum (#ARB) has a market cap of $2.5 billion,

- Strike (#STRK) has a market cap of $950 million,

-#ZKSyncor its related tokens have a market cap of $700 million, although this value appears to be underestimated when considering the ratio of TVL (total locked value) to market cap, and in theory should reach a market cap of at least $1 billion.

From a technical perspective,#Optimismand Arbitrum both use the Optimistic Rollup solution, while ZKSync uses the ZK-Rollup technology, which has been widely recognized by Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin and the industry, indicating that ZKSync may have greater development potential in the future.

Furthermore, Optimism and Arbitrum users need to use ETH to pay for Gas fees, while ZKSync uses its own tokens as Gas fees, which not only enhances the practicality of the tokens, but may also bring them a stronger economic model and market appeal.

Although ZKSync has shown potential in terms of technology and economic model, the timing of its project launch is not ideal, coinciding with the market downturn. Some people believe that if ZKSync could be launched a month earlier, its token price could theoretically have doubled to about $0.4.

Given that the current market value of the ZKSync project is considered lower than its actual value, this may be a good opportunity for investors to enter the market and is suitable for a long-term holding strategy. It is particularly noteworthy that compared with Optimism, Arbitrum and Strike, ZKSync does not have the potential selling pressure brought by a large number of token unlocking in the next year, because the token unlocking of the team and investors is scheduled one year later. This structure provides the project party with an incentive to increase the token price in order to obtain better returns when it is unlocked in the future. Therefore, considering multiple dimensions, ZKSync seems to present a relatively favorable investment window. #ARBUSDT #zklinknova #zkusdt