Good evening, friends in the cryptocurrency circle! Here is your Fanchang goddess ~ Manshuang! The market did not fluctuate much throughout the day on Friday. After yesterday's high and fall, it has been maintaining a small fluctuation within a range. The overall volatility is small, so we did not participate too much in the layout of the white plate. In the afternoon, we arranged a long order at the point, and the big cake auntie pocketed a total of 6.1w u! Friends who keep up with the rhythm also turned over and over. This month's long-term layout is about to go online. Friends who have bullets in place are ready to sprint!

  From the perspective of the four-hour technical structure, the price channel continues to fluctuate slightly downward, the short-term volume arrangement release is restricted, and the slow step-by-step downward exploration, the moving average slowly moves downward, and the small cycle still maintains a downward bottoming adjustment. The conversion of long and short volume drives the continuation of the shock sentiment. For the next idea, we can look at the technical structure from a high altitude. At the daily level, the running channel forms a downward opening state, the middle track is under severe pressure and falls in a waterfall-like manner, the short volume is effectively arranged in the entity, and the moving average is reversed and consistent downward in the detour, and the downward trend is clearly determined.

6.21 Late Market Thoughts and Operation Suggestions:

Bitcoin Operation Suggestions: Short in the 64200-64600 range, with a target of 63000. Continue to look down if it breaks!

Ethereum Operation Suggestions: Short in the 3520-3550 area, with a target of 3400-3330.

That's all! No matter how much you say, it's better to do it boldly! It's better to take action once than to consider it ten thousand times. Students who want to go to Fanchang Road with Manshuang, hurry up!