🔔Blockchain industry news! The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) of the United Kingdom recently cracked down on illegal crypto asset trading activities, and two individuals suspected of operating illegal crypto asset exchanges were arrested. According to the FCA, these illegal businesses are suspected of buying and selling unregistered crypto assets worth more than 1 billion or 1.2 billion US dollars. 😱

During the search of the suspect's office, the FCA also seized multiple digital devices. This incident once again reminds us that although the prospects of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are bright, we must also be vigilant against illegal activities in the market, abide by laws and regulations, and be a compliant blockchain enthusiast. 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️

This incident also reflects the strict regulatory attitude of global regulators towards the blockchain industry, which is both pressure and motivation for us. We look forward to the healthy and stable development of the blockchain industry under the premise of compliance. 💪💪