According to BlockBeats, on June 21, Hong Kong stock market data revealed that the total turnover for all Hong Kong virtual asset ETFs for the day was approximately HKD 32.06 million.

The Huaxia Bitcoin ETF had a turnover of HKD 20.8859 million, while the Huaxia Ethereum ETF recorded a turnover of HKD 4.771 million. The Jiashi Bitcoin ETF had a turnover of HKD 2.4696 million, and the Jiashi Ethereum ETF had a turnover of HKD 1.1697 million.

The Boshi Bitcoin ETF had a turnover of HKD 1.9485 million, and the Boshi Ethereum ETF had a turnover of HKD 0.8128 million. These figures reflect the active trading of virtual asset ETFs in the Hong Kong market.