#美联储何时降息? #空投大毛 $BTC $ETH $SOL

Dear friends, let me share some profound insights in the world of digital currency.

First, patience is gold

One point is emphasized, that is, "hold, hold again!" Patience, endless patience, is our motto in the currency circle. Don't rush for temporary gains and losses, the real value needs time to settle.

The wisdom of the market cycle

As a veteran who has been fighting in the field of digital currency for more than ten years, I have observed that each complete market cycle lasts about four years. From 16 to 18 years, and then to 20 to 21 years, this law has been verified. It is expected that the next 23 to 2025 will also be an important cycle.

The charm of long-term holding

If you want to make a lot of money in the currency circle, long-term holding is indispensable. In particular, the beginning of each four-year cycle, that is, the early stage of the bull market, is the best time to hold.

The potential of big bull coins

Every big bull coin that is temporarily underestimated by the market has great potential. They may shine at some point, it's just a matter of time. Therefore, we must have a long-term vision and not be confused by the current fluctuations.

Caution in currency selection

Not all currencies are worth holding for a long time. Many currencies do not perform as well as mainstream currencies, and blind investment may put us in trouble. Therefore, we need to be extra cautious when choosing currencies and formulating investment strategies.

Hold it, don't let go

I noticed that the biggest regret for many people in the bull market for the currencies they hold is that they did not insist on holding, not that they did not buy. Once we find a valuable currency, we should have the determination and perseverance to stick to it.

Alertness and opportunity

When most people are still hesitating and waiting, the bull market may have quietly arrived. Therefore, we need to be alert at all times and keenly capture every possible opportunity.

I hope these sharings can help you on your investment journey in the field of digital currency.

Next month, there will be cheap and bloody chips everywhere. You can prepare bullets in advance, maintain good position management, don't hold a full position, and buy the bottom in batches. If you don't know which coins to buy with dozens of times the value, you can chat with me. See my profile