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1. Emerging public chains, education chain edu, rwa public chain polyx

Side chain: matic Application concept:

First look: Theat (video streaming), enj (online games), chz (sports e-sports), mana (virtual reality);

Second look: sand (virtual games), axs (digital pets), rari (digital collection and trading), rndr (3D rendering);

2. DEFI big financial sector Three major lending infrastructures:

Aave (decentralized lending protocol),

Mkr (decentralized autonomous organization and smart contract system based on Ethereum),

Comp (financial protocol based on Ethereum);

DEX: uni; (the second and third are cake and sushi);

Oracle: link (the second is band)

Aggregator: YFI (the second is 1inch); DAO: ant

III. Ecosystem (cross-chain, side chain, sharding)

1. dot ecosystem (sharding): dot, ksm;

2. Cosmos ecosystem (cross-chain): atom, theta;

3. Near ecosystem: near

4. Solana ecosystem (public chain): sol

IV. Overview of web3.0 Concept

1. Bottom-layer blockchain: DOT;

2. Data storage and transmission: FIL;

3. Communication and computing: ETH, ANKR, PHA;

4. Distributed network: NKN; (distributed network acceleration CDN; private network VPN; Internet of Things IoT)

5. Decentralized applications: search GRT, advertising BAT, data exchange protocol Ocean, database BAND, computing power leasing GNT;

6. Decentralized identity index: LIT;

V. Decentralized storage:

1. Contract-based storage: FIL;

2. Permanent storage: AR;

3. Storage platform: SC;

4. Web3.0-based storage: CRU;

VI. Other related

1. Social communication: OpenChat steem;

2. Payment: xlm;

3. Copycat: doge, ltc;

4. Asset trading: xrp;

5. Public chain series: ada, vet (domestic), trx (domestic), neo (domestic), eos (except big cake and auntie);

6. Anonymity: zec, zen, dash;

7. Encrypted wallet: cro;

8. Internet of Things: itoa, iotx;

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