Now, regarding the cottage industry, the most common view I see from pessimists is that the market has no money, how can it rise? The second is that ETFs rise through the big cake and the second cake, and the cottage industry has no money to enter. Let me explain my personal opinion in simple terms🤔

💟The fundamental reason why the market has no money is that you make a misjudgment by buying high and not buying low. When the market falls back, the dog dealer will not take action at this time, and will wash the market with the trend. The cottage holders will cut each other and continue to fall. At this time, the cottage industry has no faith, which is what you call no money.

After the market adjustment, the market sentiment is good, the dog dealer has absorbed enough chips, and will take the lead to pull it up at a lower cost, and release good news. At this time, the cottage industry will become a faith position again, ten times or a hundred times, and the money will come naturally.

The saying that the market has no money will appear in the bottom range of each time, and every time the cottage industry should rise, it has not fallen. The only thing to note is that the cottage industry with strong narrative ability will enter more money.

💟It is said that only Bitcoin and Ethereum increased after the ETF was approved. From September last year to March this year, it was Bitcoin ETF that drove the increase. Did you see the increase in the altcoins?