Post-90s generation made hundreds of millions by speculating in cryptocurrencies, and eventually became a dishonest executor (from

Do you remember a piece of news? A post-90s generation once made hundreds of millions by speculating in cryptocurrencies and even established his own fund company.

Perhaps to repay his alma mater or to demonstrate his own strength, he announced a donation of 11 million yuan to his alma mater at the 110th anniversary of China University of Mining and Technology. However, due to the sharp decline in the cryptocurrency industry, the fund company's contract was liquidated, and the cryptocurrency asset opportunities were reduced to zero, resulting in the inability to fulfill the promise of donating 11 million yuan to his alma mater and being sued by his alma mater, and eventually became a dishonest executor.

In response to the "promise but not donation" incident, the party concerned said that the donation was not fulfilled because the Bitcoin contract was liquidated shortly after the contract was signed, and the digital assets were almost zero. After that, the project invested by the fund under his name had a liquidity crisis and could not be withdrawn, which eventually led to no money to fulfill the contract.

At the same time, he also said that he proposed to donate Bitcoin worth 1,100 at the time, but the school disagreed due to policy reasons, and finally decided to use 11 million yuan when signing the agreement.

This is also common in the cryptocurrency industry. Due to the lack of perfect supervision of cryptocurrencies, the rise and fall of cryptocurrencies are easily subject to human control, and the price fluctuations are large. There are many stories of getting rich overnight and returning to poverty overnight.

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