#STRK $STRK STRK currency circle market professional analysis

Today's STRK market shows that at the 1-hour and 2-hour levels, the market has obvious purple signals, suggesting that there may be fluctuations in the short term. At the longer 4-hour level, yellow signals emerge, which may indicate a change in trend. At present, the focus of the market is undoubtedly on the 4-hour level of the long and short watershed - the key point of 0.7271.

For the lower target, we need to pay attention to several important support levels. The first is 0.7236. If this level is broken, it may further drop to 0.7091 or even 0.6967. These support levels are not only the safety cushion of the market, but also an important reference for us to judge the market trend.

However, the market is always full of variables. If STRK rebounds, it is necessary to pay close attention to the upper pressure level. 0.7316 is the first important level. If it can be effectively broken through, it may further challenge the two highs of 0.7357 and 0.7444. These pressure points are the touchstone of market rebound and the key to our judgment of market trends.

In short-term operations, we must remain highly vigilant, keep a close eye on the market, and pay attention to the changes in long and short forces in real time. Only by accurately grasping market dynamics can we make steady profits in the currency circle.

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