6.21$ETH Suggestion: Ethereum Japanese stocks continue to wash at 3620-3480. The daily line will enter a triangular range of shocks and convergence. The high pressure will slowly move down to find the 3680 line. The short-term pressure of the Japanese level focuses on 3550. There is no obvious point worth referring to for trading in the four-hour chart. It is worth noting that if the current support of 3510 is broken, the subsequent price may have a certain downward space. The price of the currency in the one-hour chart is running in the boll downward channel. The overall downward space focuses on the 100-point range of 3540-3440. The short volume on the attached indicator macd is gradually shrinking. Based on the above suggestions, Ethereum will be stable in the future. #币安HODLer空投 #MegadropLista #币安合约锦标赛