Today's short-term operation: $WLD

Current pattern analysis

Current price: 3.04

Technical pattern: The current pattern is very good, showing strong upward potential in the short term.

Operation strategy

Buy price

It is recommended to enter the market around 3.03.

Stop loss

Set the stop loss at 2.95 to prevent unexpected declines from causing large losses.

Profit-taking strategy

First target: 3.15

Take half of the profit at 3.15 to ensure partial profit.

Second target: 3.3

Hold the other half of the position until 3.3, and the holding time is recommended to be 2-3 days.

Trading plan summary

Buy price: 3.03

Stop loss: 2.95

First target price: 3.15, half of the profit

Second target price: 3.3, hold for 2-3 days


Market dynamics: Pay close attention to market and news dynamics, and adjust operation strategies in time.

Risk management: strictly abide by the stop loss and take profit levels to avoid unnecessary losses caused by greed.

Position management: flexibly adjust the position ratio according to market conditions and personal risk tolerance. #币安用户数突破2亿 #WLD/USDT⚡️⚡️ #WLD🔥🔥🔥