PANews June 21 news, according to Cointelegraph, digital asset management company Bitwise released its first Ethereum spot ETF advertisement on Thursday, allowing NFT enthusiasts to cast this 39-second advertisement clip on Ethereum. Bitwise declared in a post on June 20: "Capture a piece of cryptocurrency history: the first national TV advertisement clip cast as an NFT."

The theme of the ad focuses on the contrast between Ethereum and big finance, showing the 24/7 operation of Ethereum through the interaction between a young man dressed casually (representing Ethereum) and an older man in pajamas but wearing a business suit underneath (representing "big finance"). In the ad, "big finance" proudly expresses the need for a break at the end of the trading day, and the Ethereum man responds that although people can access Ethereum 24/7 for stablecoin transactions, NFT transactions, and loans, everyone is different and should take a break from time to time.

According to Zora Network, 530 minters have minted 1,198 versions of the ad. Bitwise said that 50% of the revenue from the NFT sales will go to the Protocol Guild, a collective financing mechanism created by Ethereum core contributors, while the remaining 50% will go to the two actors in the ad, Jamie Kaler and Michael Tacconi. So far, Protocol Guild, Kaler and Tacconi have earned a total of $1,865 or 0.53 ether through NFT minting.