LISTA is a coin that is really good. Did you buy it yesterday?

The current price has risen to 0.76, and the increase from the opening price of 0.59 to now is quite good.

Although I sold it at the opening price of 0.59 without thinking, I regret it 🥶🥶🤧, my money, brothers! But there are always such opportunities in the market.

The key is to keep paying attention to market trends and seize the next potential coin. Don't regret what has happened.

I believe that LISTA still has room for growth in the future, so it may not be too late now. Consider buying some more and it may make up for the previous regrets.

There are constant market opportunities. As long as you have a keen eye, you can always find new opportunities.


#Lista #币安用户数突破2亿 #美联储何时降息?