Grass new update:

Unlock the Power of Your Unused Internet Bandwidth with

Imagine turning your idle internet connection into a valuable resource that can help fuel the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and potentially generate passive income. That's exactly what promises to deliver.

Decentralized Data Collection for AI is a pioneering platform that allows users to monetize their unused internet bandwidth by collecting public web data. This data is then transformed into structured datasets that can be used to train AI models, paving the way for groundbreaking innovations.

Earn Points and Potentially Unlock Cryptocurrency Rewards

By sharing your bandwidth, you can earn points through These points may lead to a potential airdrop, where users could receive cryptocurrency rewards. Although the details on point conversion are still unclear, the possibility of earning passive income is an exciting prospect.

👉How to connect your wallet to Grass: Go to reward section shown in screenshot

1. Verify Email Address

2. Verify Wallet Address (Phantom wallet)

3. Confirm Wallet in Email

Grass is under Solana Network-Chain

Important Considerations

Before diving into, keep the following in mind:

It's still in development: is currently in its "Incentivized Beta" phase, which means the platform is being tested and refined. Early adopters are rewarded for their participation.