Is the new EOS token economy plan an additional issuance?#EOSpreviously had a total upper limit of 10 billion. After the implementation of the new token economy plan, the total upper limit of EOS tokens is 2.1 billion, and the total amount of EOS has been burned by about 80%. At the same time, EOS ended the past inflation model, but immediately released more than 900 million tokens. Are these 900 million tokens considered additional issuance?

I don't think it can be counted completely. Why? The reasons are as follows

1. Because EOS wants to end the inflation model, how can the node miners survive? The EOS-related development team also needs expenses, so a certain amount of EOS must be reserved to provide financial support for the future development and marketing of EOS. Moreover, these are written into the code, and after 21 nodes vote to take effect, they will be released programmatically year by year, and they cannot be withdrawn immediately.

2. In order to increase the activity of the community, EOS will give part of the tokens to EOS staking miners. This is a reward for all coin holders who participate in activities. True EOS believers will not hand over their chips at a low level.

3. The 900 million tokens of EOS will be released within 20 years, and most of them will be released in the first 14 years, showing the characteristics of high in the early stage and low in the later stage. EOS will definitely be deflationary in the future.

4.#ramand EOS mining will lock a large amount of EOS, and the mining pledge lock-up period is 21 days, which will also reduce the circulation of EOS.