Last night, the price of Bitcoin plummeted by nearly 2,000 points, and continued to fall from the high of 66,467, and fell to the lowest point of 64,500 at 1 a.m. today. It can only be said that friends who followed the rhythm of the night should have eaten a lot of meat. Our high-altitude layout was well coordinated by the market, and the current price ratio is around 65,000.

From the hourly level line, the short position is gradually shrinking, and the big negative column is slowly decreasing, which proves that the possibility of the short position continuing is not particularly large. On the contrary, the bulls are in high spirits, and the market is recovering in an orderly upward shock. So it is recommended to participate in low-long.

Bitcoin idea: more around 64,500-64,700, target 65,500, 34,741, 4700, 46,690, 66,85, 8928