As mentioned before, my original intention of speculating in cryptocurrencies was to cross classes, so I would never get tired of doing it for this goal, even if I keep losing money, I am always so optimistic, I have been summarizing and summarizing on the road of failure, and then continue to set off after summarizing, and continue to hit the wall, countless days and nights often unable to sleep, and the mental trauma was torn open again and again. I have doubted, cried, and cursed, but I have never regretted it, because I know one thing from beginning to end, this market is a place for gambling, you are not as skilled as others, you cannot overcome your fear, you cannot overcome the weaknesses of human nature, you cannot clearly understand what you are, and you cannot strictly require yourself to execute in place when trading, then your losses are not unfair at all. $BNB

If you lose, someone will make money. If you make money, someone will lose money. So I can only constantly improve myself and make myself a better person than my peers. Because I can't change others, change the market trend, change the trend, change emotions, etc., but I can change myself. After continuous failed transactions and continuous trading summaries, I think I will grow up one day.


I don't want to go back to the old days. I am afraid of being poor, or even afraid of being poor. This fear of poverty is deeply rooted in my bones. I don't want to spend my whole life being manipulated by others, and I don't want my life journey to be dissipated under the slavery of others. I want to live a wonderful life and make a name for myself. I don't say I want to make a name for myself. At least I can spend every penny I spend selectively. I don't want my children and parents to work hard and suffer for their whole lives because of my incompetence. I don't want others to have things that they can easily get but look down upon, while my parents and children can only envy and look up to me because of my incompetence.

I am not a particularly materialistic person, I just don't want to suffer anymore, I've had enough of the poor days, from this moment on, I want to turn things around completely!