After slowly testing to around 64600 at midnight today, the big cake gradually rebounded. The intraday market was basically a gradual upward trend. The highest point in the evening was 66467, and then there was a considerable retracement. The low point is currently 64625, and the floating space is nearly 1900 points. The concubine is slightly different. The early market started to slowly rise to above 3600, and maintained a narrow floating saw at a high level in the afternoon. In the evening, it basically exerted force simultaneously with the big cake, and then went down one-sidedly, and the market went down to 3500. The big cake and the concubine Kongdan given during the period finally both successfully took 1057+77 points of space to exit with patient holding and operation. There were also some short strings and oranges, and I took a few bites with my friends. The open records provided by the entire network are time-sensitive and time-limited. People have to adapt to circumstances, especially me. I advise everyone not to stick to the old ways. Friends who do not have the ability to control the details of the points and directions can find this place to point you in the right direction.

At present, the big cake market is first viewed from the hourly level. In the short term, the evening is a watershed. After the evening, the rebound momentum begins to weaken, gradually moving down from the high point, and repeatedly testing the low point. It belongs to the rhythm of accumulating momentum in the tug-of-war. The process is indeed a bit of a grind. At present, it has gone out of five consecutive negatives, and the overall trend has not changed much. From the four-hour structure chart, the strong retracement of the real big negative column will give up all the rising space of the slow rebound of the white plate. The rebound short idea given in the morning is correct; the current small cycle structure has formed a downward trend again, and there are also daily lines at the daily level. The highs are gradually moving down, and the lows are constantly falling. Although the rhythm is oscillating, after the 65,000 mark is effectively formed, the downward force is more than that. The midnight Silk Road is still a kong.

Big cake: 64900-65400 short, look at 64000

Aunt: 3530-3555 short, look at 3460#BTC走势分析 #币安用户数突破2亿 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB