Written by: TechFlow

In today's crypto market, the focus is on the confrontation between Kraken and Certik.

(Related reading: Security company turned into a “hacker”, restoring the cause of the Kraken vs. CertiK incident)

When the market is boring, everyone chooses to watch the show; but while watching the show, don’t forget to prepare for the future, especially the opportunity to make a profit for free.

Recently, Zircuit, a rising star in the Layer2 track, announced in June that it had received investment from Binance Labs. Although the specific amount was not disclosed, with the endorsement of Binance, Dragonfly and Pantera, Zircuit's future is definitely worth looking forward to. As of now, Zircuit's TVL is as high as 3.4 billion US dollars. Needless to say, the market has already voted with money.

The current interactive mode of Zircuit is to stake to earn points. TechFlow has previously released a staking tutorial: Interpreting Zircuit: A must-do project to obtain investment from Binance Labs and then stake to earn points (with a participation tutorial) - TechFlow.

The project I will show you today is the first DEX Circuit in the Zircuit ecosystem (these two names are very similar, I wonder if there is any connection behind them). As an early project in the Zircuit ecosystem, after interacting with Circuit, you may get two fish at once, and receive both Circuit and Zircuit airdrops.

After the introduction, let’s get started!

  1. Link wallet registration Circuit

Currently, Circuit is still an invitation-based system. To enter the testnet, you need to follow the invitation link or enter the invitation code.

Invite link: https://testnet.circuit.money/kibble?code=dBiQp Invite code: dBiQp

  1. Get water from the Sepolia tap

There are three water collection addresses in Sepolia, you can choose:

https://t.co/eF0LWgKEvN (requires at least 0.001 ETH in the mainnet wallet)

https://sepoliafaucet.io https://www.alchemy.com/faucets/ethereum-sepolia

  1. Use the official bridge to cross the ETH chain

Go to the cross-chain bridge to cross Sepolia ETH to Zircuit test network


It is recommended to do two-way cross-chain interaction here, Sepolia → Zircuit Testnet and Zircuit Testnet → Sepolia. After all, there is an entry for users to query Tx on the front end. It is speculated that future airdrops may have requirements for the number of interactions.

  1. Interactive Swap

Go to Circuit Swap page

Use Zircuit Testnet ETH to exchange for other currencies. It is recommended to exchange all the currencies that can be exchanged. You can add various liquidity pools later. Also remember to reverse exchange and brush Tx. (The Swap experience is very smooth, and the settlement animation after success is also very cute)

  1. Adding liquidity pool

After the swap is completed, go to the liquidity pool page

Here you can customize the currency group pool or add a ready-made pool on the page. If you find it troublesome, just select a few on the homepage.

Go to the details page to confirm adding the pool. Here we use the USDC-USDT pool for demonstration. There will also be a settlement animation after the LP combination is successful.

If you don’t mind the trouble, you can also use reverse thinking to interact and remove the LP operation again.

  1. Get your badge

There are currently two badges available: the testnet badge and the early user badge

Testnet Badge

After completing the Swap and adding liquidity interaction, go to the Kibble page to claim

Early User Badge

Follow the official Twitter and join Discord to fill out the form to receive it. You need to wait a few hours after submitting it to receive it on the Kibble page

Meme Trading Competition

Today, Circuit launched a Memecoin trading competition. Users who have registered on the Circuit platform can register their address to receive a $catETH as the principal for the competition. Participants will receive a large number of points and hidden badges based on their final ranking. More details of the competition are waiting for official updates.


The above are all the interactive contents that Circuit can currently perform. After receiving the badge, you are done.

Given that the standards for airdrop distribution are becoming increasingly stringent, this kind of free test network can go to the faucet to get water every day and interact regularly to increase activity. Only interacting once may not reach the airdrop threshold set by the project party.

The interaction steps are a bit complicated, but it’s easy to use, so be patient.