This is a general announcement. The products and services described herein may not be available in your region.

Dear Binance Community Members,

Binance is launching exclusive HODLer airdrops available to BNB holders. Users who sign up for Simple Earn's BNB token products will receive token airdrops from high-volume projects that intend to list on Binance in the near future. 

Binance is committed to creating a healthy and sustainable market environment and always puts user interests first. We take the initiative to develop small and medium-sized projects with strong fundamentals, a high number of tokens in circulation, and strong and vibrant communities. 

Additional materials:

How to take advantage of the airdrop for HODLers 

  • Go to Earn and search for BNB. 

  • Subscribe to Simple Earn products (with flexible and/or fixed terms) using your BNB tokens.

  • Binance will post an announcement before the new tokens airdrop for HODLers.

  • Snapshots of user balances and overall pool balances will be taken multiple times per hour at any time to obtain the average balance of users in Simple Earn products (with flexible and/or fixed terms) per hour. Binance will randomly use snapshots of users' historical balances following this announcement to calculate user rewards. 

    • For example, when calculating the airdrop reward for HODLers dated 06/11/2024, snapshots of user balances for the period from 06/01/2024 to 06/07/2024 can be used.

  • Eligible users will receive HODLer airdrop rewards on spot wallets within 24 hours of the HODLer airdrop announcement. 


  • Users must complete account verification (KYC) and be from a country whose legislation does not prohibit participation in the airdrop program for HODLers.

  • There is a hard limit for calculating a user's BNB balance. The limit will be published in each airdrop announcement for HODLers. 

    • For example, a user holds 203 BNB and the balance calculation limit is 200 BNB. Binance will only use 200 BNB to calculate the total reward.

  • The airdrop of tokens will be automatically transferred to each user's spot wallet before the tokens are listed on Binance Spot.

  • If there is a simultaneous airdrop of multiple projects for HODLers, users' BNB balances in Simple Earn's BNB products (flexible and fixed terms) will be used for those projects unless otherwise stated.

  • Simple Earn BNB tokens used as collateral for Binance Flexible Loans are not eligible for airdrop rewards for HODLers.

  • BNB used to subscribe to Simple Earn products will still provide users with standard BNB holding benefits such as eligibility to participate in Launchpool and Megadrop, as well as VIP benefits.

  • Eligibility for the airdrop for HODLers depends on the user's country or region of residence. 

  • There may be discrepancies between the translation and the original English article. To obtain current and accurate information in this case, read the original version of the announcement.

Thanks for support!

Binance Team


Note. On June 19, 2024, we updated this announcement to clarify the status of subaccount participation in airdrops for HODLers.