#3friends Daily Report NO.091, pay attention to ETF and other data dynamics in time to understand market trends.

1. BTC spot ETF. On June 19, the spot ETF was closed. . At present, the total net asset value of Bitcoin spot ETF is 56.06 billion US dollars, and its market value accounts for 4.38% of the total market value of Bitcoin. The historical cumulative net inflow is 14.181 billion US dollars

2. Sentiment index, FGI, 60; Shanzhai quarterly index, 16

3. The total on-chain TVL is 101.4B, up 1.54% in 24 hours


Looking back at yesterday's BTC market, the lowest price was 64600, which did not fall below the recent low (64600). The short position in the cycle below 12H weakened and the decline slowed down. Starting from this morning, 1H turned long (65085), and the price rose to around 1H moving average 65700. The futures position increased during this period of rise.

Current BTC market:

1D, shorts strengthen, prices fluctuate between 66364-63687

12H, shorts strengthen, shorts continue. Bulls stand firm at 66604, the moving average keeps falling, and a second sell is about to form, so pay close attention.

6H, shorts weaken. The current price stands firm at 65579, and will fluctuate between 65473-66604 in the short term; if it falls below 66543, it will fluctuate between 65579-63606

4H, shorts weaken, and are on the short track,

1H, longs strengthen, and the current position is a long-short turning point

On the whole, small cycles continue to fluctuate, and large cycles are dominated by shorts. From the recent 24H liquidation chart, the two positions with the greatest liquidation strength are: 66535 upwards and 65211 downwards.

Intraday direction: shock

Intraday pressure level: 65932, 66185

Intraday support level: 65085, 63640
