Philippine Armed Forces Chief of Staff Browner could only rage and call the Chinese Coast Guard "pirates".

The Chinese Coast Guard did a great job. The Philippines did not quickly and officially announce the seizure of guns on Monday because they felt guilty and hesitated about whether to say it. It was not until two days later that they reluctantly disclosed that the guns were hidden on the ship. Torres, commander of the Western Philippines, said that the guns were hidden because the Philippine soldiers did not want to hold them in their hands, so as to avoid the Chinese misunderstanding that the Philippine army was carrying out armed operations. This defense is weak. To put it bluntly, it makes people believe that it was the Philippine army that was smuggling weapons to the stranded ship on Ren'ai Reef. They claimed that they were transporting "life supplies", but the hidden guns were searched out by China, which verified that the Chinese Coast Guard's boarding inspection was just and necessary, and Manila was severely slapped in the face.

The friction on Monday was the most serious in recent times. The Philippines, which suffered a loss, demanded that China return the confiscated weapons and compensate the Philippines for its losses. These unreasonable demands are laughable.

According to various information, the scene of the conflict between the two sides on Monday was that the Chinese Coast Guard boarded the Philippine supply ship in accordance with the newly effective "Regulations on Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures of Coast Guard Agencies" and implemented boarding inspection measures. During the process, the Philippines did not resist fiercely. We confiscated the hidden guns of the Philippines and confiscated them. This is different from our side forcing the Philippine personnel to surrender and taking away their weapons. We are the law enforcers and the Philippines is the enforced.

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