Everyone says that there will be brave people who buy at the bottom when the market crashes.

However, with this continuous decline, is there anyone who dares to go against the current and buy at the bottom?

Don’t just talk about it. Are the coolness of “buy and leave, out of sight, out of mind” or the wisdom of “others are greedy, I retreat, others retreat, I am greedy” really so easy to practice in the real trading world?

The fact is that when the market is enthusiastic and everyone is greedy to buy, you may be crazier than them and want to throw all your money into it.

And when the market is in a state of panic, you may be more afraid than anyone else, watching your assets shrink bit by bit in fear.

When chasing the rise, you are always the one who rushes to the front and buys more than others, as if the whole market belongs to you. But when it comes to selling, you are the most painful one, and every sale is like cutting your own flesh and blood.

The same market fluctuations, different people have completely different destinies.

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