According to the latest data, the current price of Ondo (ONDO) coin is $1.27, up 7.15% in the past 24 hours. Its 24-hour trading volume is $158.9 million, and its market capitalization is $180 million, ranking 48th. The circulating supply of Ondo coin is 1,388,916,453, and the total supply is 10,000,000,000. In the past week, the price performance of Ondo coin has shown a downward trend, but compared with the lowest price in the past 30 days, its price has increased by 44.00%.

In addition, the 52-week price range of #ONDOUSDT coin is between $0.0836 and $1.47, with a daily high of $1.42. At present, the price of Ondo coin has fallen by 10.37% relative to its historical high of $1.42.

Please note that these data may change at any time, and it is recommended that you pay attention to the real-time market for the latest information.