During the trading process, we will always have a state of regret for the past, expectations for the future and the reality of not knowing what to do right.

No matter how much we learn, when we enter an order, our mind jumps to the beat of the market, we panic here and there, the price goes up again, we forget all the previous states, and switch to excitement, and then Regretfully returned to panic when prices dropped.

So what formula can help us clearly see the problem?

Normally, we only realize the problem and take the right action when we have burned out all orders, that is, when we are not trading.

To be able to understand and control emotions, I share with you the following story.

There was a boss who called a carriage driver to drive him to a place he needed to go, on a horse-drawn carriage and the horse was blindfolded, only knowing how to follow the carriage driver.

- The boss's destination is already in mind, which way to go and how long it will take to arrive.

- The driver only controls the horses on the road.

- The horses are blindfolded and only follow the coachman. Sometimes because of their emotions, they change direction. The coachman has to correct the horses' direction.

If the driver is not alert and follows the horses, the horse will guide the driver, following the horse's senses and feelings, not the driver leading the horse.

If the driver does not follow the destination, or arbitrarily takes a detour, the boss is the one who suffers the most.

My brother's process of learning and practicing Trade is the same...

- Knowledge, plans, strategies, being the boss in the car.

- Decide what action to take, how to give orders, be the charioteer

- Feelings of happiness, sadness, excitement, and panic are like blindfolded horses, only running according to habits and senses.

If we cannot unify strategies, goals and actions, then the whole cart will be led by the horse as it wishes, never reaching its destination.

Hopefully the above story will help us seriously reflect on our own behavior and process of entering and exiting orders.

Sometimes it is clear that we can analyze the price movement correctly, the target for ETH in the next few months will exceed 4k, but when ETH actually reaches 4k, we are still doing something out there like blindfolded horses. .

"If plans are not implemented, they will always remain on paper."