Is the bull market really over?

In mid-June, Bitcoin fell from 71,000 to 65,000, with fakes everywhere and the market wailing.

More and more people are realizing that the bull market may really be over this time. Those who entered the market last year began to withdraw in batches, and those who just entered the market to buy fakes this year can make very little money. The blockchain revolution has become a blockchain scam again. Is this really the case?

I emphasize again that this round of bull market will start in October 2023 and is expected to end in the second half of 2025. So far, there is no evidence to prove that the bull market has ended ahead of schedule.

Cycles have their own laws. History will not repeat itself completely, but it will rhyme. Exiting now is like being a deserter. On the contrary, for friends who have not yet entered the market, the market is now picking you up. You must seize the last opportunity to get on the bus and hurry up to enter the market.

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