Binance launches “HODLer Airdrop”, $BNB holders can claim tokens by doing 2 actions

Binance Coin ($BNB) holders have another perk! Binance Exchange announced yesterday (19th) the launch of the "HODLer Airdrop" event. Users who use $BNB to purchase regular and/or current products on the coin-earning platform will receive tokens with a high circulating supply and plan to trade on Binance in the future. Airdrop tokens issued by listed projects.

Binance noted that they are taking the lead in participating in small and medium-sized projects with strong fundamentals, large circulating supply, and strong organic communities.

💡Hodler: is a term specifically used in the cryptocurrency circle. Use it to show that you are a believer in cryptocurrency and will hold it for a long time regardless of whether it rises or falls.

How to participate in the Binance HODLer airdrop?

According to Binance’s instructions, here’s how to participate in the HODLer airdrop:

  1. Open the Binance APP, go to the "Funds" > "Financial Management" page and search for $BNB

  2. Use $BNB position to subscribe for fixed-term and/or current products on the currency earning platform

一張含有 螢幕擷取畫面, 文字, 軟體, 多媒體軟體 的圖片

自動產生的描述Image source: Binance APP
How to participate in the Binance HODLer airdrop?

Binance stated that it will randomly take multiple snapshots of users' $BNB holdings every hour to calculate the average hourly $BNB holdings of users in currency-earning products (term and/or current). Binance will calculate user rewards based on historical snapshots of users’ $BNB holdings at random times after this announcement.

For example, when Binance wants to calculate HODLer airdrop rewards on June 11, 2024, it may use a snapshot of users’ $BNB holdings from June 1, 2024 to June 7, 2024 as a reference.

Qualifying users will receive HODLer airdrop rewards in their spot wallets within 24 hours of the HODLer airdrop being announced.

What should you pay attention to when participating in the Binance HODLer airdrop?

Binance also lists the precautions for airdrop events for HODLers. First, users must complete identity verification (KYC) and be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate. Each user's $BNB holdings calculation is capped, and this limit will be announced in each HODLer airdrop announcement.

In addition, if there are multiple HODLer airdrop projects happening at the same time, the user’s $BNB assets will be automatically allocated to these projects.

In addition, the $BNB current product that earns coins as collateral with Binance Lending (current interest rate) cannot participate in the HODLer airdrop. Users who want to participate must confirm whether they have participated in the correct $BNB financial product. If you have more questions, you can contact Binance customer service at any time.

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice. There are risks in investing and holding any cryptocurrency. Users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions in this article are consistent with their specific circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.