25 tips for making money since the birth of the cryptocurrency world

1. Money is not made by frequent transactions, but by patience.

2. If you don't take risk seriously, it will destroy you.

3. Letting losses grow is the worst mistake most investors make.

4. Make the best judgment. If you are wrong, make the best judgment again. If you are wrong again, then make the best judgment for the third time and you can double your money.

5. Take huge risks and feel pain, so you can pursue happiness.

6. (1) Stop loss; (2) Stop loss; (3) Stop loss. Strictly abide by these 3 rules.

7. If you deviate from your expectations and you still insist on staying in the market, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

8. I only look at risk, return and funds.

9. I need to accumulate funds because there is always the next transaction.

10. I always limit risk, so I don't have to worry about anything else.

11. The reason for losing money in the financial market is that they can't stop losses in time. ”

12. Mental control is the most important factor, followed by risk control, and finally considering where to buy and sell.

13. If losses make you feel bad, it’s simple: exit quickly, and there will always be opportunities to enter the market again.

14. It has happened in the past and will happen again in the future. Never forget this.

15. If you want to make a profit, the most important premise is not to let the loss exceed your tolerance.

16. The urgency of having to make a profit every day is just an ordinary salary.

17. The goal of a trader is to make the best trade. Profit should be put second.

18. Take a good rest in the middle, Instead, it can prolong the momentum of success.

19. Never invest most of the account funds.

20. In 10 transactions, 7 decisions may be correct. It is impossible to make 10 decisions correct out of 10.

21. It takes 20 years to build a business, and only 5 minutes to destroy it. Understanding can change the way you do things.

22. Investments that make you feel right usually cannot bring you profits.

23. Don't focus on profits, you should focus on how to protect what you already have.

24. Don't over-trade before a good opportunity appears.

25. Traders who make a lot of money are highly trained.

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